About me

Welcome to Marine Ecosystem Modelling (EcoMod) Lab. I am a biogeochemical oceanographer interested in using models and statistical methods to better estimate and predict marine biogeochemical processes and support marine ecosystem management. I currently work as an assistant professor in the Thrust of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) and an affiliate assistant professor in the Department of Ocean Science at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Research interests



I got undergraduate training in Environmental Science at Sun Yat-sen University from 2007 to 2011, where I gained about 2 years’ lab work experience in soil biogeochemistry.

I went into the field of oceanography at Dalhousie University in 2012, working with Dr. Katja Fennel on ocean biogeochemistry, ecosystem modeling, and data assimilation. Part of the assimilation work was collaborated with Dr. Laurent Bertino’s group at NERSC during my exchange study in Norway.

After the PhD, I joined HKUST in 2019 to continue the marine ecosystem modelling research. I first worked as a postdoc and then a research assistant professor with Dr. Jianping Gan. I got appointed as an assistant professor to start the EcoMod Lab in July 2021.